接种疫苗.维吉尼亚州.政府 或致电1-877-VAX-IN VA.
Infórmese de cómo obtener su vacuum visitando 接种疫苗.维吉尼亚州.政府 1-877-829-4682. 服务traducción y电信通信系统(TTY)评估
MECC students enrolled during the Spring 2020 semester may be eligible to receive 在乎 行为 assistance (even if you did not actually receive an aid award). 学生 who are receiving a payment will be notified through their SIS Message Center. 学生不需要申请这些资金.
有资格获得基金的直接支付部分, 学生必须在3月13日之前入学, 2020, 和:
- 必须完成2019-20学年的FAFSA. The deadline for completing this application is June 30, 2020.
- 必须在2020年春季获得第四章资格吗. This eligibility is determined by the completed FAFSA application which requires confirmation of eligibility under HEA Section 484 requirements and enrollment in a degree or certificate program that is eligible for Title IV funding
- Must be actively enrolled in 6 or more credits that are financial aid approved for program placement
- Must have a family income below the College’s established EFC ceiling of 200,000 for credit students.
Unfortunately, pursuant to the 教育部 guidelines, certain students are not eligible to receive funding under either category of the 在乎 行为. 不符合资格的学生包括:
- Dual Enrollment, Concurrent Enrollment, and current 首页school students
- 就读于 所有在线课程
- DACA或不符合第四章援助的公民身份
- 被监禁在联邦或州刑事机构的
- 非学分(包括FastForward)学生
学院’s business office will begin dispersing funds to eligible students once we receive funding from the U.S. 教育部. We expect that all eligible students will receive funds by May 31. They will be applied via direct deposit or check based upon each student’s previously selected refund option.
These funds are intended to be used to assist with the financial challenges in receiving higher education brought upon by the pandemic. Recipients are encouraged to use their funds in a manner which will support continuing their education in an online environment. 学生可以购买笔记本电脑, 获取互联网接入, 购买书籍或其他课程材料, 或者支付学费. 这些资金可能还包括与食品有关的费用, 住房, 卫生保健, 照顾孩子, 或其他学生认为必要的费用.
除了, MECC students that have experienced a financial hardship related to the COVID-19 pandemic may qualify for an additional federal 在乎 行为 grant, 为大学生提供紧急资金的机构.
估计有108名学生有资格获得紧急助学金. 学生 who have not completed the 2019-2020 FAFSA and were therefore not eligible for the direct payment option, may still be eligible to apply to receive funds under the MECC 在乎 澳大利亚首都领地紧急援助标准. 同样的, students who were not enrolled in at least six credits as well as students who did receive 在乎 行为 funding in the spring of 2020 and who are enrolled in Summer or Fall 2020 courses may qualify. 此类别下的所有申请人 必须在2020年6月30日之前提交2019- 2020年FAFSA吗. 学生 do not have to be deemed eligible to receive Pell funding to become eligible, 但必须符合第四章的规定. This means that students must have a verified social security number, 登记服兵役(如学生为男性), U.S. 公民或符合条件的非公民, 你有高中文凭或普通教育文凭吗, have met satisfactory academic progress and be enrolled in an approved program of study under Title IV guidelines. Without a FAFSA on-file, the College cannot verify this information. 除了FAFSA, students seeking assistance under this program must complete the application by clicking the link below.
截至5月13日, 2020, $520,800 in Emergency Financial Aid Grants have been distributed to 744 students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the 在乎 行为. 截至6月27日, 2020, 再加32美元,900 in Emergency Financial Aid Grants have been distributed to 47 additional students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the 在乎 行为. To determine eligibility for awards, all students are required to submit an application. Applications are reviewed by a Committee of College administrators and staff to ensure that all students meet eligibility requirements under Section 18004(a)(1) of the 在乎 行为. To determine awards, all students are required to submit an application (available below). Applications are reviewed by a Committee of College administrators and staff to ensure that all students meet eligibility requirements.
- 2021年年报
- 2022年9月HEERF季度报告表格
- June_2022_HEERF_Quarterly_Reporting_Form
- 在乎季度报告- 220331
- heerf-quarterly-reporting-v131 211231
- heerf-quarterly-reporting-v131 210930
- heerf-quarterly-reporting-v131 210630
- heerf-quarterly-reporting-v131 210331
- 麦加关怀法案30天披露报告
- 麦加关怀法案75天披露报告
- Mecc季度预算和支出报告
Only students who wish to receive the 在乎 行为 Emergency Grant are required to apply. Please complete the MECC 在乎 行为 Emergency Grant Application by clicking the link below. 拨款将按个别情况发放. MECC will respond to your request within 5 business days after submitting the application. 申请没有截止日期.
MECC一般入学不需要接种疫苗. Program specific vaccination requirements are available on program information webpages.